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Resources & Information

Tools for serious Churchman...

What would the Church look like if you could start with a blank canvas?

What is Church? Jesus did not leave us in a mist, blur, or fog. The Church is discernable and definable as well as deliberate. We must clear matters up, starting in the pulpit. A mist in the pulpit makes a fog in the pew. 


Purpose of the Church 


Worship - Responding to the grace of God.

Witness - Telling the Grace of God.

Ministry - Extending the grace of God. 


The Church is being held hostage; it is an identity crisis, and the Church does not know what it means to be a Christian. Consequently, they don't know what it means to be a church. She is melted into the culture and needs to regain and reclaim her message of repentance and faith. 


Repentance is the threshold to God. And while we are at it, we must quit acting like Christ was accepting everyone and everything, and calling it grace.


It is time to stop telling God what he can and can't do. 



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What Binds us Together

What We Need

It is not common education, common race, common income levels, common politics, common nationality, common accents, common jobs, or anything of the sort. Christians come together, not because they form a collection [Natural Human Closeness], but because they have been saved through Jesus Christ and owe him a common allegiance. 

We need a city-wide prayer gathering of those who share the following; " A shared focus [The Cross], a shared authority [The Bible], a shared experience [Conversion], a shared mission [Worldwide Evangelism], and a shared vision [The spiritual renewal of the church and society]. 

Seven Questions to Ask Yourself

1. Does it meet with God's Acceptance?
2. Am I being honest with myself?
3. Will it help my testimony with others?
4. Will it build me up and help me grow?
5. Will it be a good model for others following in your footsteps?
6. Will it be worthy of God's eyes and ears?
7. Do I need to do it, or is it excess baggage?

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